Carla Ramirez

Interests: Photography, Sharks, Nature, Conservation

Carla Ramirez is a wildlife photographer who has captured stunning images of sharks in their natural habitats. Her work has been featured in numerous publications, and she brings a unique visual perspective to Week Shark. Carla's articles often focus on the beauty and majesty of sharks, aiming to inspire readers to appreciate and protect these creatures.

Articles By This Author

Spotlight on Bahamas Shark Attacks: A Closer Look at Statistics and Safety Measures
Shark Attacks Shark Conservation

Spotlight on Bahamas Shark Attacks: A Closer Look at Statistics and Safety Measures

Dive into the depths of Bahamas' shark attack statistics, spotlighting the species involved and the causes behind such encounters. Uncover practical safety measures for visitors and locals alike, while exploring the significant conservation efforts underway. This blog offers a deeper understanding of the delicate balance between humans and sharks.